Hi, welcome!
Day.io is the safest and most complete time control platform for your company to make everything much easier!
To get off to a good start, you need to follow some important configuration steps so that Day.io will help you with all the calculations and information.
1. Create your account with Admin permission on the admin.day.io website and click 'Create your account' - it must be created by the HR professional who will manage the tool;
2. Configure the structure of Positions, Departments and Teams of your company;
3. Inform the form of Verification and Location for the clock in registrations;
4. If your company has employees who work allocated to clients or in an outsourced way, configure your Clients;
5. Register your employees and create permissions levels;
6. Create a schedule for your team;
7. Add your company's Business Rules. Here you inform if you will use Hours Bank, Paid Overtime and more.
You're all set! So now you're ready to:
Enable Clock in
Manage the information of the schedule
To access your Admin Panel, access https://admin.day.io and enter your registration email and password.
You're all set!
If you still have any questions, head over to the Help Center or contact us on chat!
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